Wednesday, January 19, 2011

1-14-2011 Spectrum denoising

A novel approach to denoising ion trap tandem mass
spectra" by Jiarui et al, 2009

spectral pre-processing
goal for pre-processing
1. remove the noise
2. decrease the number of non-identified spectra
3. increase the number of identified peptides

1. denoising of spectrum
-signal peaks: peaks from y or b
-noisy peaks: other peaks
2. intensity normalization
using 5 interrelation features
1. F1: # of peaks p’ such that p-p’ = an a.a. mass
2. F2: # of peaks p’ such that p+p’ = precursor mass
3. F3: # of peaks p’ such that p-p’ = H2O for NH3
4. F4: # of peaks p’ such that p-p’ = CO or NH
5. F5: # of peaks p’ such that p-p’ = isotope mass
6. score: w0 + w1F1 + w2F2 + w3F3 + w4F4 + w5F5
7. if score is minus they exclude the peak(noise)
peak selection
-after intensity normalization it is likely that signal peaks are local maxima
to select the local maxima, morphological reconstruction filter is adopted
-ISB: ESI ion trap 37044 spectra
-TOV: LCQ DECA XP ion trap 22576 spectra
-database: ipi.Human protein database
-Mascot is used to evaluate denoising
Number of identified spectra
-spectrum is identified if its Mascot ion score is larger than the identity threshold
-Denoised spectrum increased the # of identification of Mascot search
Features of spectrum that other people use in preprocessing
-Number of peaks
-total ion current
-Good Diff fraction
-Total normalized intensity of peaks with associated isotope peaks
-water losses
-signal to noise ratio
-intensity normalization is too heuristic
-among used features, neutral losses are often observed in noisy peaks
-features were manually selected, and no new feature was introduced
the benefit of morphological filter is not clear
-standard target-decoy analysis was not shown
-it is about denoising, but the result of denoising is not directly shown
-proposed scheme may not suitable for other tools
-the running time of their algorithm is not shown
-They increased the # of identifications of MASCOT
-Spectrum preprocessing might be good on De Novo but no significant improvements on Database search
-Preprocessing is highly dependent on scoring function itself

Speaker: Kyowon
Scribe: Sunghee
Slides: here

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